
Dynamic Scaling


I have a script which terminates after it's run. I'd like to launch this script every time a user submits an entry within my web-app.

What might be the best way to achieve this?

I've spent a good few hours reading up but nothing seems obvious or straight forward.

If anyone can point me in the right direct, I'd much appreciate it.

On a related note, while I'd be limiting the above what would be the limit on PA? is it bound by anything?


Note, I did think about setting 4 or 5 long running tasks, all with the same script running and polling my database but this seems like the wrong way to do it.

That's a pretty good solution as long as you're careful about ensuring that you don't have races between your tasks that cause them to drop messages or double process them.

Hey Glenn,

What is, setting multiple long running tasks?


Ok cool.