
help !!! Long running task dead after a few minute suddenly !

I have ten scripts that I always want to be running and I run it in the console because it tends to run faster than as a scheduled task. I followed the Long Running Task guide here but my consoles dead suddenly very offen.

please check what is the problem??

my scripts should be run every hour.

please give me a solution to solve my problem.

can you make some change to my account for faster scheduled task than the console ?

do you know what errors were given when your scheduled tasks were killed? more information would be useful.

i dont use scheduled task except today. i use 10 consoles for running my task. i test the scheduled task today, but the speed is lower than console as always. please increase my schedule task speed. i dont receive any error in consoles. they only suddenly dead for no reason. please icrease my sceduled task speed or fix the console problem. thanks.

hi there, i have another account with the same problem. this message is from this account. please also check this account. thanks.

i send a message from my another account. please check that. thanks.

the scheduled tasks are currently running slower because the group of servers that we run the tasks on are comparatively more overloaded vs the group of console servers. We are doing a deploy tomorrow that will add more capacity to the scheduled task servers so hopefully your experience will improve.

thank. but, can you add priority to scheduled task for my accounts? and what can i do for sudden dead in consoles for long term process script?

hi there, my consoles killed again in time.sleep command.

what is the problem?

Do you see a "killed" message anywhere with details of why your process was killed? And how frequently are you seeing this?

my codes run every hour. they consist of two parts. running and sleeping with time.sleep command to next hour. in the running phase usually every things is OK but in sleeping phase sometime the console killed with no reason. for faster run i don't use any check or print command in my scripts. Do you have any idea about the problem?

hi there, has the deployment process for scheduled task server finished? I can't see any meaningful change.

We had to push the deploy and we will reschedule it for another time soon.

it's a very bad news for me. please make the update as soon as possible.

hi there, when will you do your cancelled deploy?

is it ready to do for this week(you said in blog)?

When we're ready.