Is it possible to upgrade account and increase the number of threads allowed in the console per user? Or is the only way to create another account?
Is it possible to upgrade account and increase the number of threads allowed in the console per user? Or is the only way to create another account?
Hi there, currently the number of threads is maxed out at 128 per user per server, and there's no way around that. What kind of concurrent system are you trying to build? Perhaps you could do it without threads, on an event loop for example?
If your task is CPU-bound, any more than about 4 threads is not going to help in any case, since the servers you're on have 4 cores...
I am trying to do multiple things at once when I receive a signal.
Is there a way to see how many processes I am running across all my scripts?
threading.active_thread() returns just the processes in one script I believe.
Are we looking to increase the cores?
The os doesn't have much of a view on threads, but you can see processes from the process list on the console and scheduled tasks pages.
We have no plans to increase the number of cores in our machines.
i think it is not funny anymore...