I'm having a situation with two html files where I'm iterating over an object list, on the pythonanywhere file explorer won't let me edit those files and if I try to visit the direct link to edit it:
it shows the: You do not have the permissions to edit "the file" error.
I was reading a topic where someone explained that not always it about permision, that it may be some bug on the code that the IDE is miss interpreting.
Indeed it was, but the problem is that I have removed line by line to find the bug and the line I removed that allowed me to have access to my file again is the line where I iterate over the object list I want the info from (in both files happens the same). Ex: This is my code:
{% for person in people_list.list %}
here I create a tbody tag and then the rows with each person info
{% endfor %}
I try replacing the 'people_list.list' for just 'people_list' but no luck, the only way I can have the permission to edit the file is if I remove the {% for %}{%endfor%} tags.
Any help will be appreciated.