I am having problems connecting to mySQL Server on PythonAnywhere from MySQL Experience Manager from my desktop. This had been working till Saturday evening and suddenly it stopped working. I have not changed any credentials. I am getting the following error: Authentication Error. Unhandled exception in Tunnel Manager. These are my connection details in MySQL Experience Manager: Connection Method: SSH over TCP/IP SSH Hostname : ssh.pythonanywhere.com SSH Username : StagingServer MySQL DB : StagingServer.mysql.pythonanywhere-services.com Port: 3306 This configuration has been working for last couple of years till last Saturday. Suddently it has stopped workking.
Just to note that I cannot connect to the server using Putty / SSH. After giving username/password, the terminal window cloases. SSH from Putty was working till Saurday. Please advise.
Imtiyaz Bengali MyDentalPlan