I am having trouble installing lxml in a virtualenv I had to create to run Django 1.6. I am trying to install some packages to generate PDFs (see http://avedo.net/681/automated-pdf-reports-using-z3c-rml-and-preppy/ ), and one of the dependencies is lxml, which will not install without libxml2 and libxslt. Has anyone been successful installing these packages on a virtualenv, or have some suggestions for me to try?
Edit: I am currently on a free account, so attempting to install libxml2 via pip install ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/python/libxml2-python-2.6.21.tar.gz as suggested on Stack Overflow ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3856468/how-to-install-libxml2-in-virtualenv ) gave me a 111 (connection refused) error. I requested whitelisting xmlsoft.org, but I'm not sure that would fix my problem because that is for the python bindings to libxml2, and I think I need to install the core C libraries (that being said, I really don't know).