
Number of web application server instances? Common memory.

How many instances of a web server are running? What is a common (python) way to share Dictionary data across instances? There is obvious support for SQL database, from my understanding these are are not nicely suited to the structure of my data. They are of course an option.

Thanks. (edited)

do you mean how many worker threads you will have for your webapp? you can customize that by going to your accounts page and customizing your plan. you should probably use the SQL database to share data.

Ah - I see. Yes that is what I mean. Is there python -way to match python objects to SQL data bases?


Actually is there way to use only one web-worker for the short term this would be fine for me. And later one increase the number when I have solution in place?


let me manually tweak that for you- keep in mind that you would want to scale up your number of worker threads as you get more traffic to your site (ie. you should fix this memory sharing thing at some point)

you should have a single web worker after you reload your webapp. let us know when you are ready to switch back again. if you change/customize you plan etc you would also revert back to 2 workers.

ok -- thanks for that. I'll get things sensibly re-structured -- in the meantime my ten users will see consistent data. ;)

hi -- in case it wasn't already switched back to two, it's safe to have two web work threads now.


hi -- in case it wasn't already switched back to two, it's safe to have two web work threads now.


Hi there -- thanks for letting us know. It looks like it's currently running with two.