
How to update pandas datreader fix?

Pandas data reader has some problem recently and has a unofficial fix. How can I update in PA?

$ git clone
$ cd pandas-datareader
$ git checkout fix-yahoo
$ pip install -e

For more information on how to install modules, check out our help pages. (basically use the --user flag)

I can not use pip install --user pandas-datareader as there is a not official fix which not in master branch yet.

It is in the code above but in the local machine. How to work on it in PA?

How about adding --user to the last pip install?

I have this error

enter image description here

For -e you need to specify the local project path, as stated in the error message. In that case, the --user may be unnecessary.

  1. I have to use it in a few directory. Example /home/vinasia/abc and /home/vinasia/cde , so pip2.7 install -e /home/vinasia/abc and then pip2.7 install -e /home/vinasia/cde?

  2. In future, when new package is release, I ust do a pip install --user pandas-datareader upgrade will do? It will overwrite the temproray fix in /home/vinasia/abc and /home/vinasia/cde?

  1. Probably. Assuming that those directories you're installing into are on your PYTHON_PATH.
  2. No, it will install the new version under ~/.local. Depending on your PYTHON_PATH, it may use the new package or the old ones.


How if I want to install the temporally fix in ~/.local?

When there is an official fix, I do a pip install, will it overwrite the temporally fix and can use as usual?

Looking at this with a fresh pair of eyes (it's useful that we switch who's on tech support daily ;-) I think you might be able to install the patched version like this, without having to clone the repo:

pip2.7 install --user

That will install it in ~/.local, and should be overwritten by the new version if you just do a pip2.7 install pandas-datareader when it's released.