I'm getting an error when trying to unpickle a gensim model. I pickled the model in 2.7.12 but its being unpickled in 2.7.6. Could that be the issue or is there something simple I'm overlooking
2017-06-18 04:49:41,121: Error running WSGI application
2017-06-18 04:49:41,123: AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'call_on_class_only' on <module 'gensim.utils' from
2017-06-18 04:49:41,123: File "/var/www/www_therapthesaurus_com_wsgi.py", line 16, in <module>
2017-06-18 04:49:41,123: from flask_app import app as application
2017-06-18 04:49:41,124:
2017-06-18 04:49:41,124: File "/home/cjh411/rapblog/flask_app.py", line 41, in <module>
2017-06-18 04:49:41,124: model=pickle.load(open("/home/cjh411/rapblog/test.p",'rb'))