Hi there,
I'm trying to run the following line of code:
acsPostResponse = session.post(ACS_BASE_URL + ACS_LOGIN_API, auth=(user, pw), json=jsonContent)
when I get the following error message:
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='v-dev-2012r2-14.laserfiche.com', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /WebSTS/specificapi/login/login (Caused by NewConnec tionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f75e2172898>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))
Everything compiles, but it breaks when I run. This line is a post request to log in to a server with credentials hardcoded in. It works fine when I've run it on separate machines locally, so I don't think the problem is with the server I'm logging into or it's permissions, and I've got a paid account so I don't think it's an issue with accessing a nonwhitelisted API. I'm not sure what this means, but any help on understanding the error message/fixing the error would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to take a look at my code if you think that would help!