
DNS error on reload

Hello, I've upgraded my website plan approximately two hours ago and right after that i set seemingly appropriate options for my domain bought from GoDaddy.

These are all the records on my DNS: enter image description here

enter image description here

And here is that specific CNAME that i have added: enter image description here

I've minimized TTL at minimum, But as far as i know this setting only works when CNAME works. I have changed my web application name to "" and to support naked domains feature i've also added url forwarding on GoDaddy.

This is my Web tab on Pythonanywhere:enter image description here

I know that propagation process takes time, But i'm not completely sure if everything is set correctly. Any advice / support would be highly appreciated.

I think you have the "name" and "points to" round the wrong way in your GoDaddy config -- that is, the "name" should be "www" and the "points to" should be ""

[edit: I originally said "value" where I meant "points to"]

@giles Thanks a lot for the response, But unfortunately i am unable to do that. Godaddy returns this error - The specified CNAME already exists in the zone. But i do not see anything similar existing in the zone.

Ah, I see -- you need to edit the existing CNAME with "name" set to "www" (it's the fifth one down in your original screenshot) rather than adding a completely new one.

@giles Wow, now it works, Thanks a lot, Now it is like this: enter image description here

Did i make it correctly?


It also gives me the error on the web tab that i haven't setup my CNAME.


Sorry it was totally my fault, I did the same mistake, Thanks a lot for the support, Now website can reload.

Excellent -- glad to help!

Now the problem is solved and website can reload, I still get DNS error but i guess it will go away during propagation process.

Yes, that's right.

@giles Thanks a lot again, Glad to know that pythonanywhere has really supportive and great staff!

Thanks! :-)