Part of a little idea for a project I wanted to experiment with, contains logging some real-time data (about 5 kB) approximately every 30 seconds. This data would be sent to the python web app on PythonAnywhere via a local client script running on my laptop.
So I tried reading up on limitations to find out if the whole thing is viable. A beginner's web app is limited to 1 web worker, which doesn't seem to matter in this case, as there is only that 1 connection for a short time every 30 seconds. However, I read on bandwidth limits in Why the fuzzy bandwidth limits?, but still don't really know how to gauge "low bandwidth". I couldn't find anything about frequency of queries to the web app? I don't want my requests to break the limits or rules or even appear as some kind of unintentional DDoS attack slowing everyone down. :-/
Summing up, for a full day the web app would yield
- ~15 MB of traffic
- ~3000 queries
Since I'm pretty new to web app development, I have no idea: is that beyond the realms of fair-use - or more like boring, standard numbers for a small project? I hope it's alright to post this very specific inquiry. I'm sorry, if I did miss something.
Thanks already :-)