
Install PyQt5 python3 package

Hej, I have a request: is it possible to install the python3-pyqt5 package? I need it for my application (not really willing to port it to PyQt4 since I already ported it from there...). I have a beginner account myself. Regards, pylipp

HI there, what are you trying to run? Qt is a GUI library, so usually it's not going to work on a server-side environment like pythonanywhere, because it has no gui...

Hej harry, I developed an application that is intended to have GUI support on the client side. Hence I'm building the data model on the server using PyQt methods. You can have a look here : financeager However, it just occured to me that I could clean up the code into a PyQt-independent server-side backend and a PyQt-dependent client frontend, thus not requiring PyQt to be installed on the server. Thanks for your input :)

sounds good! we're here if you ever need help with anything.