
Can't Find What's Taking Up Storage Space

I've searched my directories and I cannot find what is taking up 184.5 MB of space. I have never saved any files to any place other than /home/MyName/*, so this is baffling.

What do I do?

does this help?

Yes! Kind of!

I found that the junk is in /var/lib/texmf/.

There are tons of things there that I apparently cannot delete, but are taking up over 30MB. What do I do?

/var/lib/texmf is a system folder, and doesn't count towards your quota. only your home folder and the /tmp folder do...

Ok then. I have tried your advice from the above post and I still can't find what's taking up the space.

Ok then. I have tried your advice from the above post and I still can't find what's taking up the space.

OK. Can you post:

  • how much is in use in /tmp
  • how much is in use in /home/yourusername
  • make sure the above also includes hidden folders?

I get the following:

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/README.txt

4.0K /tmp

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/get_env_details

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/initialize

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/postactivate

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/postdeactivate

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/postmkproject

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/postmkvirtualenv

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/postrmvirtualenv

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/preactivate

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/predeactivate

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/premkproject

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/premkvirtualenv

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/.virtualenvs/prermvirtualenv

I tried to check for hidden stuff as well:

13:06 ~ $ du -hs ~/.*

136K /home/TryPyWherever/.

4.0K /home/TryPyWherever/..

rm -rf /tmp/* returns nothing.

hm. the only thing i can think of is that, when you delete a file, it doesn't get deleted if any processes still have it open. try closing all consoles, killing all scheduled tasks, and restarting any web apps?

Reloaded my one web app and no change.

No consoles running either.

Have you ever had someone nominated you as their teacher on the system? If you have students, and you create files for them in their home space but from your own account, then that counts against your quota...

I have not.

As of today, it still shows: 36% full (184.5 MB of your 512.0 MB quota)

Well colour me baffled. Further investigation required on our side I guess. I've bumped your quota by a couple of hundred megs in the meantime. Let us know if anything changes.

Firstly, thank you for the boost. I guarantee you that I'm not just trying to get a free boost though.

Please let me know if/when you find out the cause!

Can I try switching over to using PythonAnywhere using your account so that I can do some more investigations? We can do that from our admin interface, but as it gives us access to all of your files, we always ask for permission first.

Yes, you may. :)

No dirty stuff though!

I promise :-)

I found this feed while dealing with a similar problem. I also could not resolve it by following the directions in the linked resource page. I would remove all the files in my tmp directory, but when I'd check the usage again, it still showed that it was full. Here is where I was making my mistake. Hopefully it's helpful for someone else. As with most errors, it was a really simple solution. My resolution was as follows:

Recommended command:   " rm -rf /tmp/*"

This only removes visible files. If there are hidden files in the tmp directory you also have to use:

Added command:    "rm -rf /tmp/.*"

This resolved my issue.

I was specifically using scheduled tasked to do some web scraping in a headless version of Chromium. Chromium was saving cache files in hidden directories in /tmp/. I thought I was getting a lot of extra data, but when I went to check the size of my database, they were significantly smaller than expected. This made me question where all my storage was going. I had already upgraded my account several times and increased storage to 15 gb. When I cleaned up the hidden directories in /tmp/, it accounted for almost 12 gb of data.

I will now be setting up a task to clear the chromium caches automatically. I hope this helps someone else solve this kind of rookie mistake.

Ah! Thanks for pointing that out. I will update the help page.

Thanks Glenn! You guys are always so responsive. It is really appreciated.

There is this folder ~/.local

Is it safe to delete this folder to open some space in the server?