Today, we found that there was error page displayed on our website when customers submit registration page, and the error page was generated by the hosting server. It displayed all server setting information with the suggestion "You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 500 page."
Then we followed the suggestion and changed " DEBUG = True" to " DEBUG = False", and saved the file and reloaded the app, but the site no more runs normal. It displays the error: "Error code: 502-backend". Even we changed it back to " DEBUG = True", it still shows the same 502 error page.
Before we made the change, the website was okay except when users submit the registration page. But after we did change, the entire site (all webpages) displays 502 error.
We want the site back as soon as possible. Please help us and let us know what causes the problem and how to fix it. Any help is highly appreciated.