I'm having a hard time getting this thing to show up on my pages. It's middleware is added in, app is active, site is in debug mode, it's dumping queries into the log, but the overlay isn't showing up.
I installed it using pip install -U django-debug from within my virtenv. It's in the site-packages folder.
I even made sure added my external IPs to the internal_ips setting. No dice.
I know the docs say you have to restart the server, but I've been doing reloads from the web tab. Is there another way to reload it from a command prompt that might be more affective?
I may be making progress. It seems the param passed as the REMOTE_ADDR is not the same as is actually coming from the client. Thinking back I remember having to use some internally provided param, so that's got me a bit closer. I have the URLs error now....
update2: the journey continues
So now I've got that IP addr issue fixed. Now on to missing static files. Yep. I'm an idiot. This confirms it....
Got it: The short version for people finding this later:
Pre-reading: Follow instructions: http://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.org/en/1.0/installation.html#explicit-setup
Step 1. If you are using virtenv install it with pip install django-debug-toolbar
Step 2. Add /static/debug_toolbar/ to your static hosting list and point it at /home/<your username>/.virtualenvs/<your virtenv name>/lib/<your python version>/site-packages/debug_toolbar/static/debug_toolbar
Step 3. if you get config failures regarding no entries in your URLCONF add DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PATCH_SETTINGS = False
to your settings.py and the following to your root urlconf file.
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import include, patterns, url
if settings.DEBUG:
import debug_toolbar
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'^__debug__/', include(debug_toolbar.urls)),
Step 5. add the middle where in settings.py
# ...
# ...
while you are at it make sure your INTERNAL_IPS list in settings.py includes the internal IP supplied by request.META('REMOTE_ADDR')