Would you consider changing the listing format for the forum topics to include the time of day? Or if not that for everyone expose a way for those of us who would prefer a different format to be able to set it ourselves?
As it is now unless I remember how many posts a topic lists I have to go into it to know if I've already read it, but if the time was listed I would be more likely to know the last time I looked @ the forum. If you don't like using time, perhaps it could say how many hours ago a posting was last updated.
Okay, you get the idea. And of course there could be some other way of doing what I'm trying to accomplish that you would prefer to my suggestions here.
Of course you are likely to suggest I just use the RSS feed. I know that is available. I'm just not a fan of RSS. So if that is the only option....well maybe I'll convert, but I'd prefer not to.