I have set up my Django settings file according to this page: https://www.pythonanywhere.com/wiki/UsingMySQL The database is password is pulled from an environment variable like so: DB_PASSWORD = os.getenv('DB_PWD') DATABASES = {... ... 'PASSWORD':DB_PASSWORD
The string in this environment variable is the same as that entered in the password field in the 'Databases' tab.
A few observations: 1. I can successfully run 'python manage.py syncdb'. 2. I can open a python shell and request an object list and be returned something empty (communication is happening) 3. From a bash shell, I can open a mysql shell like so: mysql -u <username> -h mysql.server -p
Then I type in the password on the 'Database' tab, and it will open the shell. 4. I cannot run any commands like 'flush privileges', 'grant...', or 'select from mysql.user' or 'use mysql'
When I press the large reload button in the 'Web' tab and open a new tab and navigate to the url, I get the following error:
(1045, "Access denied for user 'arkaeologic'@'ip-10-47-149-9.ec2.internal' (using password: NO)")
I do not know what to do. The error implies that the password is not being used and so no match for the user is found. I do not know how to tell django to use the password. Thanks in advance.