I am trying to run a script that I have in my app. While the log files seem to show my script ran, it does not update the db I have for my app. On the schedule tab in pythonanywhere I have this set up so not sure if it is correct:
python2.7 /home/tsrdatatech/web2py/web2py.py -S ttheorydataextractor -M -R /home/tsrdatatech/web2py/applications/ttheorydataextractor/modules/voltrin_grabber.py
And a sample output of what the log says when it runs is below:
2014-07-14 23:00:44 -- Completed task, took 17.00 seconds, return code was 0. web2py Web Framework Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2014 Version 2.9.5-stable+timestamp.2014. Database drivers available: SQLite(sqlite3), MySQL(pymysql), MySQL(MySQLdb), MySQL(mysqlconnector), PostgreSQL(psycopg2), PostgreSQL(pg8000), MSSQL(pyodbc), DB2(pyodbc), Teradata(pyodbc), Ingres(pyodbc), MongoDB(pymongo), IMAP(imaplib)
2014-07-15 23:00:30 -- Completed task, took 11.00 seconds, return code was 0.
It seems like it opens web2py but doesnt really run the script I have I think.