
Running a python script failure


I'm trying to run a script from bash that I made, it's a pretty simple IRC bot - right now it only joins an irc server, a couple of channels and listens. I tested it on my PC and it works, connects, listens, does everything I want so far. I wanted to make him independent so he's always online, not only when I run the script on my machine.

I cloned my git repo, but I the script fails to work after I do "python" - socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused Is this because I'm trying to connect to a site that's not whitelisted? I do it with: "s = socket.socket()" "s.connect(("", 6667))"

Is this forbidden, or am I doing something wrong?

We don't allow external internet access for free accounts. We only allow http(s) connections to a list of whitelisted sites.