Hello: I have created an app and I would like to use my own domain name. My app is martinb60.pythonanywhere.com and my domain is www.alcolevirtual.com.ar. I created a CNAME in the web of my domain provider (nic.ar) and I am testing with CNAME lookup tool (http://www.mxtoolbox.com/CNAMELookup.aspx). Below, The result of the test is showed:
MXTB-PWS3v2 7472ms 0 ar.cctld.authdns.ripe.net NON-AUTH 109 ms Received 5 Referrals , rcode=NO_ERROR NS ctina.ar,NS athea.ar,NS a.dns.ar,NS relay1.mecon.gov.ar,NS ns2.switch.ch,
1 a.dns.ar NON-AUTH 171 ms Received 2 Referrals , rcode=NO_ERROR NS pythonanywhere.com,NS martinb60.pythonanywhere.com,
2 pythonanywhere.com NON-AUTH 171 ms Timeout after 3 sec, rcode=NO_ERROR
2 martinb60.pythonanywhere.com NON-AUTH 171 ms Timeout after 3 sec, rcode=NO_ERROR
I think there is a problem of authorization in pythoanywhere.