I'm getting a lot of errors trying to connect by SSH to my account to develop using Visual Studio Code:
[00:08:28.800] remote-ssh@0.47.2
[00:08:28.800] win32 x64
[00:08:28.803] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+ssh.pythonanywhere.com", attempt 1
[00:08:28.803] SSH Resolver called for host: ssh.pythonanywhere.com
[00:08:28.803] Setting up SSH remote "ssh.pythonanywhere.com"
[00:08:28.827] Using commit id "86405ea23e3937316009fc27c9361deee66ffbf5" and quality "stable" for server
[00:08:28.829] Testing ssh with ssh -V
[00:08:28.889] ssh exited with code: 0
[00:08:28.889] Got stderr from ssh: OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.7p1, LibreSSL 2.6.5
[00:08:28.893] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 49944 ssh.pythonanywhere.com bash
[00:08:28.894] Install and start server if needed
[00:08:28.897] Terminal shell path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe
[00:08:28.964] >
> ]0;C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe
[00:08:28.964] Got some output, clearing connection timeout
[00:08:28.970] >
[00:08:29.727] > <<<<<<:>~ PythonAnywhere SSH. Help @ https://help.pythonanywhere.com/pages/SSHAc
> cess
[00:08:29.871] > warning: agent returned different signature type ssh-rsa (expected rsa-sha2-512)
[00:08:31.329] > 583217fe4d56: running
[00:08:31.384] > Acquiring lock on /home/me/.vscode-server/bin/86405ea23e3937316009fc27c9361d
> eee66ffbf5/vscode-remote-lock.86405ea23e3937316009fc27c9361deee66ffbf5
[00:08:31.390] > Found existing installation at /home/me/.vscode-server/bin/86405ea23e3937316
> 009fc27c9361deee66ffbf5...
> Error, do this: mount -t proc proc /proc
> VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_SCRIPT=/usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
> SHELL=/bin/bash
> SSH_CLIENT= 49946 22
> USER=me
> WORKON_HOME=/home/me/.virtualenvs
> VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER=/home/me/.vscode-server
> PATH=/home/me/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/
> sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
> MAIL=/var/mail/me
> VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_HOOK_DIR=/home/me/.virtualenvs
> PWD=/home/me
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
> HOME=/home/me
[00:08:31.395] >
> SSH_CONNECTION= 49946 22
> _=/usr/bin/printenv
> Starting server...
> Waiting for server log...
[00:08:31.407] >
[00:08:31.899] > Waiting for server log...
[00:08:32.403] > Waiting for server log...
[00:08:32.905] > Waiting for server log...
[00:08:33.428] > Waiting for server log...
[00:08:33.912] > Waiting for server log...
[00:08:34.415] > Waiting for server log...
[00:08:34.916] >
> *
> * Reminder: You may only use this software with Visual Studio family products,
> * as described in the license (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2077057)
> *
[00:08:34.924] >
> Server did not start successfully. Full server log >>>
> node: ../deps/uv/src/unix/core.c:544: uv__close_nocheckstdio: Assertion `fd > -1
> ' failed.
> Aborted
> <<< End of server log
> 583217fe4d56##32##
[00:08:34.936] >
[00:08:35.223] "install" terminal command done
[00:08:35.223] Install terminal quit with output: 583217fe4d56##32##
[00:08:35.223] Received install output: 583217fe4d56##32##
[00:08:35.224] Resolver error: The VS Code Server failed to start
[00:08:35.225] TELEMETRY: {"eventName":"resolver","properties":{"outcome":"failure","reason":"ExitCode","askedPw":"0","askedPassphrase":"0","asked2fa":"0","askedHostKey":"0","gotUnrecognizedPrompt":"0","remoteInConfigFile":"1"},"measures":{"resolveAttempts":1,"exitCode":32,"retries":1}}
[00:08:35.226] ------
Googling a similar error microsoft directed them to: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/linux
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks