
Can't use own domain on Custom plan

I have deployed application, and I buyed the Custom plan with one web up. Now I try to use the cname domain on my godaddy account.

I set up the godaddy, and cname working correct

My application linked to my But I can't link my application to domain, as writed on, because I have only 1 web app in my account plan.

Please, help :)

If you want to keep, you'll need to add another web app to your plan.

If you don't want to keep it, make a note of any static files mappings, and make a copy of you wsgi file. Then delete your web app. Create a new "manually configured" web app with the domain name. Copy the wsgi file you save earlier over the default one and re-enter your static files mappings. Reload the web app and you're good to go.

I'll be happy with 1 application.

Can I convert existing to required format?

That was what the second part of my previous post was all about.

Sorry, I want to ask again, because it's important.

If I delete the, it will delete all files in it? And I need to create new application and upload my saved files to new one. Right? So, I need to upload and config the new application from zero?

No. Deleting a web app just deletes the configuration to run it i.e. the wsgi file, the static files mappings and the password settings. The code is not touched. That is why you can save the wsgi file and copy it to the new web app and have it working again.

Ok, I will try


Thank you!
