Out of interest, do the hosting accounts with an external domain get a unique IP address for them? This was always the primary issue with SSL hosting historically.
The SNI extension addresses this, and has existed for some time, but I believe there are still significant holes in client support (IE prior to 7, any IE on XP, iOS prior to 4.0, etc.). Also, it's worth being aware that it's only fairly recently that some distros have moved to a version of OpenSSL which supports it (0.9.8f with appropriate compilation options, 0.9.8j has it by default). Looks like the Apache you're using (2.2.16) should support it assuming the underlying OpenSSL does.
Having worked in this area on a proprietary webserver recently, if you can't assign a unique IP per account then you can use SNI with a fallback option of your own certificate, but of course this will generate security warnings in non-SNI clients.