
Newbie can't find bash command to transfer files from GitHub

Hi I am really sorry to ask this but I can't find the answer through searching the forums or the wider web. When I follow the instructions for moving a local project over to PA, it just says use the bash shell to move the files over. I have no idea how to do that and can't find any instructions. Please could someone point me in the right direction?

I have set up and published my GIT repository but don't know what to do next.

thanks and sorry for asking such a basic question Nick

This how I do

  1. Go to bash console
  2. git clone https://GIT_USER:GIT_PASSWORD@GIT_REPO.git to your code root
  3. git pull for changes
  4. Rebuild your app in dashboard

If your GIT is on public github, you can skip GIT_USER and GIT_PASSWORD

thanks but I get a 403 errir

ok have sorted it - thanks for your help I used: git clone<githubusername>/<github repository>

So I have my files but struggling to now get the app working. I have changed the WSGI file to point at my own and changed the name of the app but am getting errors and not sure how to resolve. Will post a new question around this since following the documentation hasn;'t gotten me very far!

thanks for your help

A 403 is a permission denied error, so check your username and password if it's a private repo.

What errors are you getting now?