
Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.

I'm using Flask and logging in customers with LinkedIn... I'm getting the error: Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.

I saw some posts on fixing this in Django, but I don't see how to apply this to Flask.

Also it says:

More information is available with DEBUG=True.

But I already have DEBUG=True and no information is being given in the error log.

Hi there,

I've never used/seen csrf protection in flask. Do you know where it's coming from, or how it's meant to work?

I'm getting it in my "add_user" view:

@app.route('/add_user', methods=['GET','POST'])
def add_user():
    form = UserForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        g.db.execute('insert into users (firstName,lastName,coName,email,comId,yelpURL,comments,password,revenue,profit,zipCode ) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
                     [request.form['firstName'], request.form['lastName'],request.form['coName'], request.form['email'], 0, 
                     'NA', 'NA',request.form['password'],request.form['revenue'],request.form['profit'],coZip])
        # flash('Thanks for signing up... let\'s find you a community')
        user = User(request.form['email'], request.form['password'])
        login_user(user, remember=True)
        return redirect(url_for('com_flow'))
    return render_template('add_user.html', form=form, linkMe=linkMe)

  <form class="form form-horizontal" method="post" role="form" enctype=multipart/form-data action>
  {{ form.hidden_tag() }}
  {{ wtf.form_errors(form, hiddens="only") }}
  {{ wtf.form_field( }}
  {{ wtf.form_field(form.password) }}
  {{ wtf.form_field(form.firstName) }}
  {{ wtf.form_field(form.lastName) }}
  {{ wtf.form_field(form.coName) }}
  <!-- <p><a href=# id="calculate">Click to validate Yelp</a></p> -->
  {{ wtf.form_field(form.revenue) }}
  {{ wtf.form_field(form.profit) }}

  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block">Submit</button>


Whenever I click submit, it goes to a 403 page with the message above... also the error doesn't appear in my error logs, only on the page.

Here are the docs... this works fine on my local environment and I do have this at the top of my flask

from flask_wtf.csrf import CsrfProtect

Are you using the same version of Flask locally as on PythonAnywhere?

No, I totally was not using the same version, I'm and idiot... thanks! Upgrading to 10.1 fixed the problem!