
Any Slack Bots running here?

I think it should be possible using the realtime api (, even if websockets are not supported for now. Has anybody achieved something? Would love to hear about some starting points.

hi there- will investigate this wkend and hopefully have something interesting to say. sounds fun!

sounds fun.

Exactly, can't wait to present Eliza the therapist to the team :)

So I went to the slack menu > Integrations > Outgoing WebHooks, and created a new outgoing webhook service. The url I used was eg:

Then on PythonAnywhere I made a new flask app with the slack auth token like so:

from flask import Flask, request
import json

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/message', methods=['POST'])
def chat_message():
    # token to confirm that message came from slack
    assert request.form.get('token') == 'YOUR SLACK TOKEN'
    # don't reply to yourself
    if not request.form.get('user_name') == 'slackbot':
        json_message = 'You said {}'.format(request.form.get('text', 'nothing'))
        return json.dumps({'text': json_message})

And it just works!

Looks ridiculously easy. I'll try tomorrow....

Here's the latest version of the code that I'm running for my slack group for a more detailed example. It's funny! Can't wait to see your therapist one though...

I followed your example:

import eliza
therapist = eliza.eliza()
reply = therapist.respond(request.form.get('text', 'nothing'))
return json.dumps({'text': reply})

and started a conversation:

alt text

It is useful to add a few sys commands like reloading the module, so one doesn't need to reload the flask app via the interface.

Thanks for providing a great platform.

