I changed the password from the Databases tab at the Dashboard and now I'm unable to access the MySQL shell:
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'MexLavu'@'%' to database 'MexLavu$default'
Console closed.
I changed the password from the Databases tab at the Dashboard and now I'm unable to access the MySQL shell:
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'MexLavu'@'%' to database 'MexLavu$default'
Console closed.
It doesn't look like you have any databases on our server -- did you delete them? There's normally one called <yourusername>$default
Try creating one called 'MexLavu$default' (you only need to type the "default" bit into the form on the databases page) and then try starting a new MySQL console.
Thank's I didn't realize I deleted it while getting used to PythonAnywhere's interface.