Hi guys,
My application is based on CherryPy and its job is to serve json data service, which can be used in ajax request. This app works well in my local machine and I can easily visit the service, for example, if I open and the required json data will be returned. However, after I copy the app to the pythonanywhere and start the app, it seems that everything goes well, here is the server.conf for CherryPy and some output:
server.socket_port: 8787
output in the console:
10:07 ~ $ python class_webserver.py
Wed May 27 10:08:35 2015: ./no_weekends_holidays_2015-03-23_2015-03-23.dict load finished.
[27/May/2015:10:08:35] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[27/May/2015:10:08:35] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[27/May/2015:10:08:35] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[27/May/2015:10:08:35] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[27/May/2015:10:08:35] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
[27/May/2015:10:08:35] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
[27/May/2015:10:08:35] ENGINE Serving on
[27/May/2015:10:08:35] ENGINE Bus STARTED
Here comes the question: How can I visit the data interface as what I have done in my local machine? I have tried that http://theofeng.pythonanywhere.com:8787/query_download?params_str=10151 but it did not work, I also simulated the ajax request in Chrome as:
$.getJSON('', function( data ) { console.log(data); });
but it showed me an error message 'GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED'.
Any advice will be appreciated!!!