This is far from urgent, but I thought I'd mention it because it's been sort of a nuisance for me. While editing code in the web2py editor, it seems that my secure login to Web2py expires after some time, preventing me from saving my document. I need to copy the whole document, reload the page, login, go back to the editor, and paste the code back into the document. The auto-logout doesn't seem to happen if there's been any activity, but "activity" doesn't include a long spell of code editing; thus, this tends to happen exactly when there's been a lot of changes to a document, which is a bit of a bummer.
Now obviously the solution in my behaviour is that I should just save early and often (this is considered "activity" to prevent a logout), which is just good practice. But I'd really like to be able to walk away from my document to drink a cup of coffee/surf the web idly/take the dog for a walk/etc without having to log back in to Web2py. I can't seem to find a setting that will keep me logged in - does one exist?