
Tesseract Installation

i m having problem in installing tesseract-ocr as we don't have sudo or apt-get here so can anyone help me

as well as giving link of tesseract.exe in we give the path in Windows

pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = 'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'

tesseract is installed and the path is /usr/bin/tesseract

Just as a follow-up on this how do I update the preinstalled version without sudo ? My instance has version 3.04 and from my app I'm getting error:

"TSV output not supported. Tesseract >= 3.05 required"

No you can't install system packages. You need to wait for the new system image (coming this year).

Is there any update on this ? Can you share roughly when the package gets updated on PA ?

It is in the works (ie. we have started work on it), but we can't give a concrete timeline for it. It should be coming in our next deploy though.

Hi there! I am having a similar need with an error: TSV output not supported. Tesseract >= 3.05 required

thanks for reporting! will update when our new system image is out.

Hello, do you know already, when the Tesseract will be updated?

What version do you need? We have tesseract 4.1.1 installed in current system image.

Actually, I found I had a system image which isn't the latest one. Now I have a tesseract with the version I need. Thank you!

Glad to hear that!