Hello, I have deployed a Django app on this account for a customer few months ago on an hacker account.
Now the app has grown and very often customers detect slowness on a specific view that keep up to 20-25 seconds to be rendered, so I decided to investigate what is needed to better perform.
Initially I thought it was a limit of have just one web worker problem but static content are served regularly .
I have refreshed my local instance on MySql DB with the same data of the server on and then execute the same local copy of code and here the time are in order of 1-2 seconds to render the same slow page, mmmhh strange...
So I decided to deep investigate and make Django print out the executed SQL query on the console and manually run it with MySQL Workbench, here the surprise: same query on local MySql instance with identical data takes about 0.8 sec to be executed and on remote over SSH instance out of 3 tests the best result was 20 seconds.
I think this is the point of the slowness.
Instance is: fazzariworkout$sworkout
Now, what can we do ? The customer is also willing to invest money to solve the problem but at present I don't know what to recommend.
I appreciate your support!
Alessandro (Italy)