
Domain from IONOS, webpage on pythonanywhere. How to set DNS for everything to work?

Hello. Does anybody have detailed instruction of how to set DNS for domain purchased on IONOS? The best I managed to do was to set subdomain with CNAME from pythanywhere and it worked but only with www in the adress. When typing just in the browser it sends me to mypage/defaultpage. Tried to find solution but help section in IONOS don't cover it, also people from IONOS tried and nothing so far. Any detailed instruction on how to do it?

Would like to know this too, I have the same problem since setting it up last week. I read that there was extra AAAA records that needed deleted in the domain set up that fix this, not too sure though.

Take a look at Naked domains | PythonAnywhere help

I managed to get this sorted, so for anyone with an ionos domain this is what I did:

  1. I already had my domain pointing to my pythonanywhere webapp.
  2. Create an account with nakedssl and copy the IP address it gives you.
  3. Go into your ionos account and delete any A or AAAA record that relates to webhosting, you can leave the ones for Mail there.
  4. Create a new A record with the hostname ‘@‘ and paste in the nakedssl in address in the ‘point to’ box and select save - at this piount it will tell you it conflicts with the CNAME you have for the webapp but click save and it will delete the CNAME record for your webapp.
  5. Create a new CNAME to point to your webapp and save.
  6. Check back later after it all syncs and that’s you, now you can type in your web address without the www prefix and it works.

enter image description here

Many thanks for posting that! Those steps are the ones I would expect, apart from the weird thing they do at step 4 -- it's very strange that they delete the CNAME for "www" when you're creating an A record for "@", and I'm glad you worked out a solution -- and we're grateful to you for documenting it here :-)

Thank you Did you point domain or subdomain www to python anywhere? Which SSL did you use? One from IONOS or one from Python Anywhere?

I pointed it to and the SSL are enabled for both pythonanywhere and ionos.

I did all and works fine I guess. Thank you.

Hi there! I'm not tracking with what you did, but I also need to redirect my naked domain to the www version on Ionos. Where did you get the IP address for the A record? My DNS settings currently have a AAAA and an A record, legacy I believe, and the www CNAME record is working as expected. Thanks!

It looks like the person that was working through this earlier was using an IP address from NakedSSL.

Ah, thanks. I guess many DNS providers have this by default, but it's a bummer to need a third service to host the site. Thanks for the assist!

Let us know if you need any extra help from us.