The forums are now searchable...I read that, but I don't see how. Am I missing something?
Ah, yes I see I am missing something. You implemented the search functionality using a Google tracker. Okay, maybe that is a bit harsh, but I'll try and explain my perspective. I keep my browser locked down so sites that are monetized by spying on their users can't spy on me. So, items like the Facebook Like and Google +1 are all blocked in my configuration. The same issue arrives with the Google AJAX Search API. If I unblock it, then Google knows where I spend my time. I guess this is my problem, but any other privacy concerned PA users may have the same issue I did. They read the announcement that we got forum search capability, but then they don't see a UI for it.
I don't expect you to change your implementation to satisfy me, but wanted to let you know I didn't benefit from this new feature. We live in an exciting world of easy access to information, but that access comes at a price. Privacy is a price I think we give up too easily as a society. I for one try to do my part.
As a last note...for anyone thinking I'm a bit off the deep end here on the privacy issue. Before you judge do yourself a favor. Install this add-on and take a look at how you are tracked...then decide for yourself if it's no big deal that Google, Facebook, Adobe, and too many more see what you are reading on the PA forums...or if in fact they are watching you across a much wider arena!!