
Error uploading SQL-file

Hi everyone,

I've got a ~50mb sql-file that i need to import into my MySQL-db, but everytime i try to upload it the connection times out.


I have no trouble uploading a sqlite.db-file, I only get the error when I upload the sql-file.

Just to confirm, you're trying to upload an SQL source file to your PythonAnywhere file space? Or you've already got a file there and you're using the mysql client to run that script to populate your database? Depending which issue you're having the possible causes are quite different.

That error message looks a bit like the one that appears in web browsers in Windows when a TCP connection is reset, and if that's the case it would probably be helpful to know whether the error appears straight away or after a longer period (and whether that period is 10s of seconds, a few minutes, etc.).

There are many causes of connection resets, anything from idle timeouts to a misconfigured MTU, so it's important to r and narrow down what you're doing to provoke the error.

If you are uploading it straight in the file view you might be hitting the limit on how large a file the web server accepts. In the interest of getting you up and running quickly I've temporarily turned on SSH support for your account. This means you can upload the file using something like scp/winscp/cyberduck to upload the data. You could also just try using our Dropbox integration? Your ssh login will be

@Cartroo, you're right in the fact that i'm trying to upload a sql.file to the user file space and that's where I get the connection error.

The upload begins and a couple of minutes later i get the error

@hansel, thanks. I have already you dropbox email to a shared folder of mine. Just waiting for you to accept

I'm using SSH to upload the file now. :) It works like a charm.

Ahha, so definitely the file size limit that hansel mentioned, then. Connection resets happen when one end of the other closes the connection suddenly. Since there's no way in HTTP to interrupt a transfer that's in progress, the server has no choice but to simply close its connection, which results in a reset.

Glad you've got a work around.

I am having err_connection_reset problem in my PC.

Are you trying to upload a very large file?

I don't understand what has to do with PythonAnywhere. Are you having trouble getting connection resets connecting to PythonAnywhere? If not, then this is the wrong place to ask for help.