
opencv 3.0 support?

hello, I am a newbie here so please excuse me. The opencv version here is 2.4, justed checked it in the python shell with

import cv2 cv2.version

How can I use 3.0?

In general, is there a way for me to install packages? or I have to use whatever is installed?


This help page has instructions on how to install new modules -- upgrading an existing module is exactly the same process.

Hi there, we came across this pypi module: opencv-python -- we'd be interested to know if anyone has got that working on PythonAnywhere? It seems to just "pip install" quite happily into a virtualenv, but I don't know enough about opencv to tell whether it actually works...

Yes, it works like a charm:

Note: you need to use microsoft edge or firefox to access the webcam over http and test it through my website