
Getting Started / "Killer Web Development" / Newbie

I am doing the Killer Web Development tutorial: and it must be fairly dated as some stuff in web2py and Python Anywhere is different. I was able to work through the web2py stuff but am a little lost.

I think I screwed up when I was supposed to specify a path. I have upload a .w2p file but can't do anything with it.

My goal is to deploy the really simple "Hello World" that I made from the tutorial.

Any help is appreciated.


What have you tried to do and what was the result?

Creator of the site here:

Could you post a picture of what is not working. I know the tutorial is a bit dated, but most things should still work.

Thanks for the replies guys.

I went to the "web" tab and clicked on add a new app. Selected the web2py framework. Used the default directory of "/home/rand/web2py/" Entered Admin passwords.

Honestly, I don't remember what was next. But I didn't see anywhere to upload the packed application.

This point in 1.4 of the tutorial: to install our first app, got to the Upload and install packed application section on the right side, give your app a name (first), click the Choose File, select the w2p-file youdownloaded and click Install.

Now I am learning some Linux commands because there is a directory already at /home/rand/web2py/. So when I try and repeat the process it doesn't let me.

I am sure I could just create a new name for the new directory but would prefer to remove this one and should probably know these commands better anyway.

But even if I remove the directory or use the work around I am not sure how to proceed once I am done with the "quick-start" wizzard.

OK, so I just removed the directory and created a new app in the default directory. But I have not uploaded the packed w2p file. Yet pythonanywhere says "All done! Your web app is now set up. Details below."

Currently, what I need to know is how to upload at this point. I suppose pythonanywhere is configured to host it but I don't see anywhere to upload the app except to "Files" and I don't think that is the right place for it.

I'm not super familiar with the killer web dev book, so maybe @killerwebdev might have more comments. But I think what is happening here is that PythonAnywhere tries to setup a web2py app for you when you go through the start webapp process.

So when it is done, PythonAnywhere will think that you are all setup. However, If you are following the book, maybe it wants a newer version etc, so you would be uploading a specific version of web2py to install over the basic setup.

If that is the case, then yes I think you are supposed to upload your file via the files tab. You could then probably use the console command line to do whatever installation is necessary.

On the other hand, if it is easier, maybe just go with the basic PythonAnywhere web2py app for now, and figure it out later as you become more familiar with the system?


Did you go to There you upload your file. Not in pythonanywhere backend.

Thanks kwd, I must not have. Which is weird because it says so in the tutorial. I am not sure how I got sidetracked. It is rather obvious where you go from that URL. I will keep going. Thanks for the site kwd.

@killerwebdev First thanks for the tutorial. The table of contents says chapter 8 is the last one but the conclusion to chapter 8 speaks of setting up user following in the next chapter. Is the rest of this book available for purchase online somewhere?

If anyone's wondering why I'm bringing this back to life in 2017, even though this tutorial is said to be stale however the way it brings together mercurial, selenium, and all these other Concepts in such a simple way it's worthwhile for me to do the additional homework to finding out how the code is changed since then. Thanks again

No, chapter 8 is not available. If you finished the first 7 chapters you can probably pick up chapter 14 of the rails tutorial: and finish chapter 8 as an exercise.

The railstutorial was the base on what killerwebdev was created.
