
I can connect via ssh to putty but I can't connect to mysql

I made the settings using port 3333 and port 3306 both return error, but different errors. I already disabled the firewall and it still didn't help. Can anyone help me?

Workbanch Cofiguration 1

Workbanch Configuration 2

Error using port 3306

Error using port 3333

Error using port 3333

Sequence images: 1 -Workbanch Cofiguration 1

2 -Workbanch Configuration 2

3- Error using port 3306

4- Error using port 3333

5- Error using port 3333

First make sure that you can SSH into PythonAnywhere from your machine:

Yes it works. It just doesn't work on workbench

I havent used workbench but it look like your default schema might be wrong

Default Schema: your database name, eg yourusername$mydatabase

I havent used workbench but it look like your default schema might be wrong

Default Schema: your database name, eg yourusername$mydatabase


I don't know if this is right form to put forward this question.. but, anyone knows how to connect PythonAnyWhere web app Api ( flask ) to tableau via "Analytics Extension API" feature of tableau ?

It this API is just a general API where you can make HTTP requests to it to ask it to perform some action, and which returns the results in the normal HTTP responses, then you should be able to hook it up. However, you might need to get the endpoints added to the allow-list for free accounts. In order to do that you'd need to find the documentation that specifies the hostname for the API, and then submit a request as per this help page.

thanks on that, though I use a pythonanywhere subscribed account, I will check out both links that you shared to see if something clicks! thanks!

Let us know if you need any help with other stuff.