
azerty keyboard problems on consol

Hi There, I can't add a / neither an @ in the consol. I'm on macosx with AZERTY keyboard. For the moment, to display those caracters in the consol, I a have to prefixe theme by an ^, exemple : ^/ for / ^: for :


Would you mind visiting and entering those keys that are not doing what you expect them to do? We will then use that information to put special cases in place for them.


User Agent:     Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0

/       58  0   0   47  58  47  :   /   true    false   false
:       58  0   0   58  58  58  :   :   false   false   false
@       64  0   0   64  64  64  @   @   false   false   false
\#      64  0   0   35  64  35  @   #   true    false   false
\)      169 0   0   41  169 41  ©   )   false   false   false
°       169 0   0   176 169 176 ©   °   true    false   false
$       164 0   0   36  164 36  ¤   $   false   false   false
\*      164 0   0   42  164 42  ¤   *   true    false   false
ù       165 0   0   249 165 249 ¥   ù   false   false   false
%       165 0   0   37  165 37  ¥   %   true    false   false
<       60  0   0   60  60  60  <   <   false   false   false
\>      60  0   0   62  60  62  <   >   true    false   false

Thanks very much sligozat! Great work. Just for the record, and for other people. You just need to enter the keys on the page. The results are automatically saved in a database.

Hello, I have some trouble with some caracters on my azerty keyboard (french one). There are 3 important one : the "$" , the ":" and the "%" I've already visit and enter those keys but if you need me to do that again no problem. Is there anything else for me to do ?


Hi Vincent,

Thanks -- that should be enough information for us for now.


Hi Giles,

I found a new one that is crucial : the ")"
I already add it to the keys page. However I noticed the previous ones are still not working. I still have the copy/paste solution or the ^ prefixe but it is a little bit annoying. I know it was only 3 days ago but, for my information, is there any deadline for an update for those azerty keyboard problems please ? I could easily understand that is not on your top list but it is just for my information.

Thanks for you feedback. Vincent

Hi Vincent,

We've been experimenting with some fixes, but without any great success. The problem is that fixing things for one user breaks things for others, and a global fix would require a substantial re-write of our terminal emulator (which we didn't write ourselves).

Our medium-term hope for a fix is to switch out to a different browser-based terminal emulator. Our preferred choice is one google have built, called hterm.

Actually, it would be very helpful if you could test it for us? You need to use google chrome, and go to the chrome web store. search for "secure shell", and you should find this from

You can then use it to SSH into PythonAnywhere, and use it as a console... (I've enabled SSH access for your account, it's normally a premium feature).

We've very much appreciate it if you could let us know whether it works well with the AZERTY keyboard!

Hi Harry,

Thanks for this detail feedback and for activating SSH on my account.

Well, i've made some tests with the "Secure Shell" App on Chrome. The good news is that almost all keys works correctly. I literraly push every key on my keyboard and see how hterm reacts. As I said most of them were perfect. However there a 3 keys that was not working correctly : The "@", the "]", and the "}". These are the 3 last keys before the Return one and i must use AltGr key to trig them. Instead, when a try to make the "]" it makes the font size bigger. When I try to make the "@" it reset the font size and it doesn't do anything when i try the "]"

As your current terminal, there is still the solution of prefixing with ^ to make those keys working.

Hope my tests will help you.


Hi there, for anyone else struggling with azerty or other non-english keyboard layouts, we just released an experimental fix. Let us know if you would like us to switch it on for your account.