
When is python 3.11 available?

Good day,

Our project depends on python 3.11. I saw a forum thread asking the same question as i in december 2022. The reply was: Yes, our next system image will support 3.11 -- we don't have an exact timeline right now, though.

I just upgraded my plan now. But im unsure if i want to use your platform on any further time.

Kind regards, Abdullah

It's right at the top of our list!

What timeline are we expecting. My project is waiting on the upgrade. Thanks.

We're working on it, but unfortunately there are a number of things that we have to do in order to make it work properly, and we don't have a timeline right now.

You are awesome. Looking forward to Python 3.11 and FastAPI ASAP!

Any update on python 3.11 availability?

It's still work in progress, no ETA yet.

I'm sorry, you've been working on this "right at the top of our list" since December 2022, and you still can't offer a projected date? That version is supposed to offer significant performance improvements: why has it taken almost a year to make it available? I love your great tech support, but we need these speedups!

We know that, but there are many factors involved in creation of the new system image.

Hi, I know it hasn't even been a month since the last post on this thread, but are there any updates on the python 3.11 availability? Thanks

Thanks for asking! Nothing's changed though: work in progress, no ETA.

I just subscribed thinking PythonAnywhere would be a great place to host my newest project. Quite disappointed to notice that we don't even have python3.11 let alone 3.12. Unfortunately I'm going to have to find a new host. Ah well.

3.11 and 3.12 will come together soon.

When is 3.12 likely? I would like to port my localenv (running 3.12.1) to PythonAnywhere ASAP!

No estimations, sorry.

When is support for python 3.12.1 likely?

We dont have a clear date at the moment

very easy to use platform but sadly no support for python 3.11 as many python projects use latest versions

Thanks for the feedback, we're working on it.

when will 3.11 be out, waiting since so long. Pls roll out fast

It's on the way.


Any updates?

No, we will let you know when we have an update.

Any updates? I'm willing to pay more than what I'm currently paying to have access to 3.11.

@SFHI sorry, we're moving towards that goal, but there's still more work to be done before we'll be ready to ship a new system image with upgraded Pythons...


We are working on that.

please make it possible ASAP

Thanks for the suggestion.

Hi PA team!

Do you have an ETA for python 3.11? Even something general/vague would be great, like "not sooner than August this year" or "during 2025".


No I'm afriad there's no eta right now

Good day! Do you have estimations on python 3.11 or 3.12?

No estimations, but we're working on it.



We're unlikely to be able to give a good eta until we've got the work insight, which is unfortunately not right now


I just paid for the services and now this

@ajbarreiro We're working on new system image which will ship with recent Python versions. If you're not satisfied with what you got with your paid account, you can request a refund within 30 days (after downgrading your account first).

Hello, i want to know if this host support the following dependencies are abble in python 3.10:

blinker==1.6.2 certifi==2023.7.22 charset-normalizer==3.3.0 click==8.1.6 colorama==0.4.6 Flask==2.3.2 Flask-Login==0.6.2 Flask-Mail==0.9.1 flask-paginate==2024.4.12 Flask-WTF==1.1.1 idna==3.4 itsdangerous==2.1.2 Jinja2==3.1.2 MarkupSafe==2.1.3 PyMySQL==1.1.0 python-dotenv==1.0.0 requests==2.31.0 resend==0.5.2 urllib3==2.0.6 Werkzeug==2.3.7 WTForms==3.0.1

Because i need this version for work my app, So I need help for confirm this.

Hello, i want to know if this host support the following dependencies are abble in python 3.10:

blinker==1.6.2 certifi==2023.7.22 charset-normalizer==3.3.0 click==8.1.6 colorama==0.4.6 Flask==2.3.2 Flask-Login==0.6.2 Flask-Mail==0.9.1 flask-paginate==2024.4.12 Flask-WTF==1.1.1 idna==3.4 itsdangerous==2.1.2 Jinja2==3.1.2 MarkupSafe==2.1.3 PyMySQL==1.1.0 python-dotenv==1.0.0 requests==2.31.0 resend==0.5.2 urllib3==2.0.6 Werkzeug==2.3.7 WTForms==3.0.1

Because i need this version for work my app, So I need help for confirm this.

You can check on or you can just create a venv and install requirements like that.

Greetings! Is version 3.11 expected to be released into testing, and if so, when? Thanks for your attention =)

@Alexskyshali no, we don't plan a testing phase, it will be available to all users with the next system image, we're currenlty working on (along with more recent Python versions, too).

Fingers crossed it is not much longer. For something that was top of the list, it is surprising how long it has been, so far.

Unfortunately there has been a lot to do in order to get it out, as we need to update the version of the operating system as well, and find a solid list of mutually-compatible pre-installed packages to work with every Python version that we'll be supporting. But our next system image will have up to Python 3.13.

Good day! May be you have estimations on release dates?

As soon as it is ready.