I am new to all this. I created a SSH key and pulled my repo from Github.
So it created a directory "cbot". I have a "venv" virtual environment.
Previously I was able to start the local server at port 5000
Then from another console I was runnung a ngrok tunnel at 5000 and I was pasting the Forwarding Link "https://c664-54-226-131-176.ngrok-free.app" to Twilio sandbox. But the code is not not able to send back messages. When i type a HI from my whatsapp, the ngrok tunnel shows that a twilio post was made but has no response.
This process works seamlessly in VSCode.
Now of sudden I am not able start the app as it says port 5000 is used by another program.
On using : ss -nltp
I find: LISTEN 0 128*
However I am not able to kill the process.
I badly need your help to deploy this working app on pythonanywhere. If you want you can take access of my account and check what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance.
The flask code is as follows
from flask import Flask, request
from document_gpt.helper.conversation import create_conversation
from document_gpt.helper.twilio_api import send_message
qa = create_conversation()
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def home():
return 'MAN', 200
@app.route('/twilio', methods=['POST'])
def twilio():
query = request.form['Body']
sender_id = request.form['From']
print(sender_id, query)
res = qa(
'question': query,
'chat_history': {}
send_message(sender_id, res['answer'])
return 'MAN', 200
This is the run.py
from document_gpt.src.main import app
if __name__ == '__main__':