I have a domain name from hostinger , but to add a CNAME record , I need the target IP. that's what I think it is. which IP should I provide hostinger ?
I have a domain name from hostinger , but to add a CNAME record , I need the target IP. that's what I think it is. which IP should I provide hostinger ?
Also , how do i maange my local ENV variables in pythonanywhere ?
CNAME records don't require IP addresses, so perhaps you're looking at the wrong part of Hostinger's interface -- the section for A records? This looks like the appropriate help page on their site.
Regarding environment variables, check out this help page.
Thanks , I am sure I would need further help.
Let us know if you come across any issues
is it okay to host vulnerable flask applications here , for a ctf ?
Sure, that would be fine -- we may have to shut it down if it causes system-wide issues (eg. someone tries to DDoS it instead of hack it) but otherwise, it's OK.
there might be some minimal fuzzing , but other than that , We'll make sure that no one DDoS it. the protocol can be set to HTTP right ?
Yes you can turn on/off forcing https on the web app page
since CTFD uses flask , i can use pythonanywhere to host our own ctfd instance with the database from pythonaywhere right ?
That should probably work.