
I can't reach my site from mobile

Hi. Just started hosting my first website in PythonAnywhere's 5$ plan. I seem to be able to reach my website just fine from PC (and Android Tablet), but from phone it doesn't work. The domain is

Bought the domain with Cloudflare and configured it using this guide:

When I try to reach the website through mobile I get: This site can't be reached. Check if there is a typo in DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

there isn't a typo, and I waited over 72 hours for the DNS to propagate. Please help me resolve this issue because right now my website is not reachable from mobile.

It looks like it's still not propagated everywhere -- I've just checked here. You may reach out to your DNS registrar.

I don't think it's a propagation issue, because even if I try to use the same network it happens (i.e. use same network with PC [it works] and mobile over WiFi [doesn't work]).

Worked it out, I had to add another CNAME in DNS configuration in Cloudflare for '@' (which resolves to, i.e. without the www at the start), Before that I only had a CNAME for

Interesting, thanks for sharing.