
Always on Tasks Suddenly

I have a task i've been running successfully for the last couple of months. Recently I updated some things to run off of triggers instead of timed checks, and rerouted some of the sent data to make it more efficient and use less of my processing allowance.

I got it working last night and it was seemingly working perfectly, but today it suddenly quit working. I tried restarting and then deleting the task and readding it to always-on a few times, but it doesn't seem to work. The script receives data from telegram and forwards some of that data to another always on script I have running, and returns status updates to telegram. My log is indicates issues related to network connectivity and timeouts when your script tries to communicate with external services (i.e. and Telegram)

I have changed nothing, and there is nothing wrong with or telegram.

Earlier, totally randomly, I got about 1gb of core.#### files dumped into my main directory, but i've been trying to run it since to make it reoccur and I haven't gotten any more of them since the initial burst.

I've only used 1/10th of my allotted processing for the day.

Is there any logical explanation? I can post the logs if needed, but as far as i can tell the always on task log doesn't seem to always catch all of the logs for some reason either, so i'm not sure if i'm getting the full picture here.

I will say that last friday I had very similar issues with these tasks, but aside from that i've never had any connectivity issues with either always on task i have running.

Today has been very frustrating. I am admittedly very new to python compared to most of you; this is my first big project. So there may be something I'm doing wrong that I'm just not aware of. But the scripts ran perfectly up until about 1pm today and since then have been unable to even make the initial response to telegram, and won't connect to my webhook for the last few hours. And again, I haven't changed anything.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice. I've looked at it so long now that it's all running together lol and I'm still totally stumped.

Apologies for the silence here; we did have some problems with always-on tasks and networking on Saturday -- they should have all been cleared up by Sunday morning. We'll be posting a post-mortem on our blog shortly.