
Total Disk Usage

From the Dashboard, when I click on 'upgrade account', in the far right column at the bottom it says I am paying $12.20/mo, implying a 'Web Dev' account. Under 'Web Dev' it says I have 5 GB storage. Back to the dashboard, it says

66% full – 676.7 MB of your 1.0 GB quota

Why only 1.0 GB there?

Second question is my Postgresql DB. When I open the psql console and run the sql:

SELECT datname as db_name, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) as db_usage FROM pg_database;

I get four hits, my database (exercyclewatts) has 67 MB and three others have about 8 MB each for something a bit less than 100 MB. Now go to the Database tab, and there I see:

6% full (140.1 MB of your 2.0 GB quota)

That is about 50MB higher than the psql console is telling me. Why the difference? How can I keep tabs on all this? I hesitate to wait until a user gets an error because I ran out of space somewhere.

You do not have a "WebDev" account but a custom one with custom features that you have chosen, and extra storage was not one of them. The postgres storage is all the space used by your postgres database and it's more then just a sum of all the tables.

Thanks for that -- I just increased my disk spaces.

Glad we could help!