Hello everyone,
I've set up a little python code that, upon receiving a POST request from a Google Sheets API, will create a Facebook Campaign, ad set, ad creative, ad form and ad.
I have to create some images for the adcreative which I do from some templates and the created image is then stored on my static folder.
The static folder is available publicly: https://angelo31.pythonanywhere.com/static/template_0.jpg (you should be able to access this image and if not, I am wrong).
Yet, I still get the following error from Facebook:
2024-11-28 13:10:28 {'error': {'message': 'Invalid parameter', 'type': 'OAuthException', 'code': 100, 'error_subcode': 3858258, 'is_transient': False, 'error_user_title': 'Image non téléchargée', 'error_user_msg': 'Votre image, https://angelo31.pythonanywhere.com/static/template_0.jpg, couldn't be downloaded. Make sure the image is accessible online and isn't blocked by robots.txt', 'fbtrace_id': 'A6Foi4KIF1OBSph2tEp93_c'}}
I am not sure as to why I get this error since the image can be accessed online and I don't have a robots.txt. I've tried this with other images URL online and it worked, not sure why the one from pythonAnywhere doesn't.
Thanks for your help!
Kind regards, Angelo