
If using a 3rd party package that uses Playwright ...

I am using a 3rd party package that uses Playwright under the hood, but I still need to install it in the python environment itself, would this even work on pythonanywhere, considering that is not possible as discussed here

This topic details how to use the built in chromium browser, but I don't do it that way, its the third party tool that does that behind the scenes, i have a feeling I can't use pythonanywhere for this particular flask app then?

I'm confused, the link you provided shows that playwright is possible..?

Anyway, I'm sure there's only one way to find out and that's to try it

playwright is available using built in chromium provided by pythonanywhere, is what that links says. However im not directly using the chromium browser as per the example in the link, i use a third party tool that uses it under the hood - so that example code is not usable for me, but at the same time, pythonanywhere does not allow me to install playwright myself - which is what my third party tool requires :)

Here is the tool i'm talking about - which you can see requires me to install playwright to use it:

Hope that makes sense

You can install playwright using pip

@makapaka do you mean this bit of documentation at your link?

pip install crawl4ai

playwright install # Install Playwright dependencies

As it says that command installs Playwright dependencies, not Playwright itself. You may or may not actually need that.

Why not just install the tool and try and use it? If it doesn't work, you should at least be able to see if it's a Playwright issue. At the moment you are just guessing.

i'm really not sure why you would think i didnt try it before going to the trouble of making this post. Of course i tried it, it doesn't work, and the only support i could find was the one i posted in the OP, so naturally i came here to ask if anyone's figured a workaround.

Anyway, never mind, I will find a provider that allows me to install it

What did you try? It's not clear from your original post.