My website: is not loading on certain websites. Here is the error messaage:
"Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from www... (for example, passowrds, messages, or credit cards). Learn more about this warning: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID"
"Force HTTPS:" is "Enabled" on my Web page.
I am using this site to practice the steps of upgrading to Django 5 and Python 3.10, and as a backup before deleting and recreating two other websites under Django 5 and Python 3.10.
I used GitHub to copy one of my websites in full, and then manually added files from another site and uploaded that site's MySQL backup.
Could there be something in my code that is causing problems? I do have the same secret key that exists on the site that I used GitHub to copy.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.