To my surprise, I found this worked.
- Opened a bash console
- installed
uv using wget -qO- | sh
- created a project,
uv init myproject
- changed to that folder
cd myproject
- installed python,
uv python install 3.13.2
- opened REPL session
uv run python
- slow first time, very fast subsequently - returned to bash, and added a package,
uv add numpy
- opened REPL sessions again and imported
-slow first time, very fast subsequently, and used it for a bit - returned to bash, created a simple programme using vim, which imported
, generated some random numbers, and then output them - ran the programme using
uv run
Worth noting that uv
created a .venv
folder when I added a package. Didn't activate the virtual environment as uv
does this automatically when running a script.
So, I wouldn't say this is necessarily legit, but it worked.