No, Django isn't involved in serving file from the static directory at all, I believe nginx serves them directly. This means it should work for all frameworks not just Django.
Bear in mind, though, that there will be unlimited public access to the files - if you want to do access control then you'll need to persuade Django to serve them. You could control access to the URLs of the static files within Django (i.e. control who you give the links to), but there's nothing to stop people guessing the URLs.
Of course, you might not care about controlling access (many websites are totally public, after all), but I thought it was worth mentioning because it's something I've run into in the past.
Note to PAW staff: whenever you sort out the long term solution for static file serving via nginx it might be worth thinking about access control - the most promising possibility I've found is the static link module, although I haven't tried it myself.